This Is A List Of All The Things That Piss Me Off In Life! I Will Talk About Los Angeles Insanity, Celebrities, Crazy People, Politics... And Pretty Much Everything!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Cat's Viscious!

My cat is really mean to other animals even if they are bigger than her. My landlady agreed to take care of her while I go on vacation and she suggested bringing her to her own apartment instead of leaving her alone in mine. I told her she could try it but she has a cat and I don't want her to harrass her cat the whole time she's there by trapping her in rooms and hissing at it so we'll see. She's viscious!

1 comment:

  1. Jeebscat is not viscious. She is the queen of the castle. ruler of her empire- she can do no wrong. Also she is a dead beat cat if she does not pay rent. My dog pays rent.lalalalala
