This Is A List Of All The Things That Piss Me Off In Life! I Will Talk About Los Angeles Insanity, Celebrities, Crazy People, Politics... And Pretty Much Everything!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I See Your Bullshit

It's annoying to be able to see through people's bullshit because then you are in the uncomfortable position of having to FAKE like them because either your job depends on it, it's a social faux pas if you don't, they might stab you etc...
It just rubs me the wrong way to have to do it, it makes me feel like I'm lying. Then that makes me dislike the person even more which makes it harder to be nice- and the cycle continues.
I wish it was socially acceptable to just call them out on it. If you could just be like 'umm, yeah you're a bad person, so I'm just gonna go ahead and avoid you as much as possible.'

1 comment:

  1. I was just sitting here thinking of the very same thing. Wow!
