This Is A List Of All The Things That Piss Me Off In Life! I Will Talk About Los Angeles Insanity, Celebrities, Crazy People, Politics... And Pretty Much Everything!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

An Amazing Woman

Today a woman that looked like she was mentally and physically disabled came in. I was at the cash register at the time and so I asked her if she wanted to sign up for a rewards card. I was going to write the information that was needed for her but, because she wasn't able to verbally communicate she took the pen and wrote the information in the most perfect handwriting that anyone could possibly have. Let me tell you that I can never read the info that people write because it's not at all legible. So then, since I was giving her a bunch of samples and gifts, I had to give her a bigger bag, so as I transferred her items from the small bag into the bigger bag she folded up the small bag for me! Are you serious? It was obviously to help me out, and it almost made me cry it was such a sweet thing to do.
So my gripe is that, this woman that has all the chips stacked against her is more considerate, more helpful, and more intelligent than most of the other customers that come in. Plus most of them would probably look at her like she was gross because she is handicapped and because she's not... I don't know tan or something. But, she's a better human being then them.

1 comment:

  1. Fyi, your Blog is not showing up as a 'Link', but two others are. Click on your pic on my Blog.
