This Is A List Of All The Things That Piss Me Off In Life! I Will Talk About Los Angeles Insanity, Celebrities, Crazy People, Politics... And Pretty Much Everything!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I Mean Shit, I Gotta Eat

I don't know if I know anyone my age that has a good credit score and/ or has a lot of debt. I say 'and/or' because you can have a lot of debt and still have a good credit score but, you are still more in debt than the homeless guy outside the gas station down the street. It's become impossible to live without a good credit score because we are no longer capable of buying the necessities of life without it. So now we are the generation of the "fuck its". We can't pay our credit debt off but, we have to live so we just have to ignore collectors phone calls or just keep increasing our debt. There're so many people that are being forced to do that especially now with the large amounts of people losing their jobs and the economy bottoming out! It'll be interesting to see whether getting an apartment, a loan, or job with bad credit will be easier because of the mass amounts of people that will all be in the same boat.

1 comment:

  1. this is a great perspective....topeka, ks
